《中英對照讀新聞》Man hits back at bosses for telling him to remove his make-up at work-被要求上班卸妝 男子反擊老闆



20-year-old Scott Laplanche, a male shop worker at Currys PC World, West Yorkshire, says that he was asked to remove his make-up at work, and believes the request was discriminatory given that his female colleagues “wear more make-up than he does.”

英國西約克郡Currys PC World商場的20歲男店員史考特.拉普蘭奇表示,他被要求上班時必須卸妝,女性同事卻可以「化比他還濃的妝」,認定這種要求涉嫌歧視。

“I’ve worked in the shop for 8 or 9 months and have never been reprimanded on my makeup before. Actually quite the opposite, some managers have supported me and complimented my makeup.” Maddened Laplanche shared his disdain on Facebook.


“However recently we’ve had to go under new management. Earlier on in the week I came to work as my fabulous self and was told to take off my makeup. I was quite shocked… After I refused, I’m getting told to tone it down. Excuse me? I felt this was discriminatory.”


“This is 2017, a time of year where we celebrate ’Pride’ throughout summer and I look hella hot so deal with it! It’s wrong to blatantly discriminate for whatever reason that may be.” he added.


A spokesman of the mall clarified: “This was a local store level misunderstanding that is being dealt with internally.”



reprimand:動詞,訓斥。例句:Chris was reprimanded by the teacher for breaking the rules.(克里斯因為犯規被老師訓斥。)

disdain:名詞,輕蔑;不屑。例句:Chris showed his disdain of the rules undisguisedly.(克里斯毫不掩飾對這些規定的不屑。)

blatantly:副詞,公然地。例句:Chris kept challenging the rules blatantly.(克里斯繼續公然挑戰規定。)

  • 英國20歲男店員史考特.拉普蘭奇指控,他被要求上班時必須卸妝,女性同事卻可以化比他還濃的妝,涉嫌歧視。(取自網路)

